How a timely article on the early symptoms of melanoma changed everything

A chance reading of MoleMap’s monthly newsletter meant 43-year old Sabrina had an “unremarkable” mole checked. It turned out to be melanoma, but fortunately, her quick action meant it was found early. Sabrina was happy for us to share her story in the hope that it may inspire others to get any unusual-looking moles checked early.
“Several months ago a spot appeared that looked completely unremarkable yet caught my attention,” she says. “I forgot to raise this with my Dermatologist, and she didn’t mention it in our consultation shortly thereafter, so I made a mental note to keep a vague eye on it and moved on. ”As a past MoleMap customer, Sabrina receives – and usually reads — our monthly email newsletters. “I have a very strong family history of melanoma so am highly vigilant with my skin and see a Dermatologist regularly,” she says.
Two to three months later, Sabrina realised that the spot had definitely changed. “It still looked quite unremarkable, but that same day I received your newsletter which outlined the EFG rule of spotting nodular melanoma. I’d previously only been aware of the ABCDE rule, and soon realised my spot had all of features of the EFG rule – it was Elevated, Firm and Growing.”
Sabrina’s GP removed the spot the following day as a precautionary measure. “She didn’t think it was anything sinister at the time,” says Sabrina, “but it was later determined that the spot was in fact a nodular melanoma, just over 1mm thick. I have since had a wide local excision performed and last week was notified that no further trace of melanoma was found in the excised area. Further monitoring and lymph checks will be carried out, but that’s all that is required.”
“Your newsletter may have literally saved my life. I’m 43 years old and have such a strong family history — so you can imagine the angst this has caused my family, but less so given that it was detected early. I don’t know what’s around the corner but I certainly know it’s a lot better than may have otherwise been had I not received this information. Thank you – to say I’m extremely grateful is an understatement.”
Thank you Sabrina for sharing your story and we’re so glad to hear our newsletter made a difference. And a reminder to anyone else with a mole or spot that is new, changing or simply doesn’t look right, don’t chance it — get it professionally mole check or skin check as soon as possible. It may turn out to be nothing to worry about … or it may just save your life.
Have a mole that’s worrying you? Check out our article on the ABCDE and EFG rules of skin cancer. If you have a skin cancer story you’d like to share to inspire others, please email us.